What kind of popcorn do you like best ??!
Answers: ... i love caramel popcorn !! .. can't have enough !
99% fat free. lol.
Kettle corn. It always reminds me of the State Fair and I love it.
Movie theatre, with that crazy fake butter. Not good for my arteries, but you can't be healthy all the time.
salty with hot melted butter...
I also love caramel corn . . . . mmmm!
Salted :)
I like salty and fat free popcorn.
Popped at home in a pan, with very little oil - just enough to make a light sprinkling of salt stick to it. I can't stand the movie theater popcorn or most of the microwaveable popcorn. All that butter stuff is just gross and makes a mess of everything.
Did everyone know that popcorn is a whole grain food? You probably never even thought of it - I know I didn't until last week! It was my "aha" moment for that day...
calorie free sweet