Why doesn't packaged meat have a nutrition label that tells the calories, fat, sodium... etc?!
Answers: i think its cause you cant really tell how much fat and stuff is in each package....the fat content and stuff really depends on the cow it came from and it be really hard to determine how much is every single package.
The stores I shop at have a nutrition label, it's usually on the top label or on the bottom
I think it's cause it varies from cow to cow, depending on what it eats, where it's from, etc. Different cows can for sure have different amounts of fat in the meat. So if they did put a label on it, it was have to be an estimate.
because it's NOT nutritious
like fruit it comes in differrent sizes and not to mention the fat content varies so much thus varying the calorie content. it is the same with produce. food that is manufactured and packaged is easier to figure the data that you want. even if you get on a site that has the calorie content it may be as different as 50 to 100 calories depending on the meat. nature is not as precise as you want it to be sorry
Based on the FDA they only inspect the cows the day before the slaughter and that is why we have some meat that is bad. Most likely the cow eats whatever and injected with whatever is why they do not list this.
nutrition labels are only meant for processed foods which contain more than one or two ingredients.
Meat is Meat.
Do you see labels on bananas or apples? Do you see labels on a fish or a lobster?
It's not a butcher's job to tell you how many calories are in a steak, because it's a commodity, not a manufactured foodstuff like breakfast cereal, soup, or crackers, or potato chips.
sometimes i think it is because the meat is varied like hamburger, it probably doesn't always have the same nutrition for the same amounts. you can look up the nutrition online though.
It's cause they don't want you to know HOW BAD it is for you! The meats that actually have labels, treat their meat humanely & are probably not COMPLETELY HORRIBLE for you