Who likes Limburger cheese, and where do you buy it?!
Answers: I've never seen it in the grocery stores. I gather it doesn't sell well. I've never seen it or smelled it, but someone told me it smells like dirty socks. lol Would you explain to me what you think it tastes like?
i love limburger. however it is a aquired taste. it smell like the worst b.o you have ever smelled, but the taste is nothing like the smell. it's actually quite mild. rye bread, a slice off onion, a little pepper. there is only 1 place in the united states that makes limburger. that is Chalet Cheese Co-op in monroe wisconsin. (608-325-4343) what the heck, go ahead & try it. you might be surprised. WARNING!!! DO NOT APPROACH ANY LOVED ONES FOR 24 HOURS
O yuck!!!!!!!!!!
like really strong blue cheese
I can remember my maternal grand parents eating it on Friday nights it was their little pleasure for the week. Dirty socks doesn't do it justice. I pride myself in saying "I'll eat anything that doesn't eat me first." I still haven't been able to make myself try limburger.