Do you think you could go a month without pop?!
Answers: I was well on my way there until one of my parents brought home a coke, I'm addicted to coke, and it whens it right there when I go to the fridge .. staring at me calling out my name lol jk jk but still I LOVE coke, and it had been a while before I had had one, I'm drinking some right now.. and now I have to start all over again..anyways yea do you think you could go a month with out any kind of pop at all? It addictive stuff!
I used to drink two 2-Liter bottles per day of Diet Mountain dew and/or diet Pepsi.
Now i drink three 2-Liter bottles per day of Diet Mountain dew and / or diet Pepsi.
It is addictive! I am trying to do the same as I sit here drinking a Sprite. You can do it but it take a lot of will power! I have tried and it's so hard..especially if you go out to eat.
Try and limit yourself to one a day.
Yes, but it is not easy. Good luck!
Oh,it would be hard!I love my Diet Pepsi.If I had to,I guess I could have iced tea and Perrier with a lemon wedge,at least it's carbonated.
yes, as long as I have iced tea
yes i can i barley ever drink pop, i don't like it that much, and it gives me the hiccupes everytime i drink it lol!!
I used to be addicted to Coke. I have gone quite awhile without it. The only time I drink it is when I'm eating out but most of the time I get water and I'm happy with that.
I do not drink pop at all, it is terribly unhealthy for you, since it is all sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame....eww..its so gross..
Yes, I quit drinking soda waters a year or two ago...but then I never liked them much to start with
It is hard, especially when you buy fast food at work, there is always a pop.
I love Coca Cola ZERO
Never in my life thought I could,BUT I was wrong.I drank 6 to 8 mountaindews a day! But I wanted to loose some weight so I quit cold turkey and bought some Grape propel and haven't turned back to my Dew.I have lost 10 pounds so far.
I dont drink much pop, I use to but not anymore. I like to drink tea, coffee, and water most of the time.
I have done it for a month & a half now. i never thought i would be able to do it.
I don't drink pop. The only time I ever have any is when I'm sick, and then I have ginger ale.
don't think so
I rarely ever drink any soda. The last full bottle/can I had must have been months ago.
no, i would die