Do you think it is safe to eat it?!
Answers: I ordered pizza last night and I accidentally forgot to put what was left of it in the fridge last night. So, it was left out overnight. It is cheese and pepperoni. Do, you think it would still be safe to eat it if I take off the pepperoni?
Leftover pizza left out is safe ........... I am sure there are tons of college students that had a steady diet of the like. They are still around
Pepperoni is a cured meat so I think that it will be OK to. I would.
we do that all the time and no one has ever gotten ill. go for it!
Me, I would chance it the pepperoni has a lot of additives. I just wouldn't serve it to anyone else.
My boss is always leaving his pizza out and eating it the next day. Meat Lover's style, too. He's never gotten sick.
No way sorry. 2 hours is the maximum time allowed. Otherwise it is Russian roulette. Bacteria have been multiplying on it all night. Gross.
No it is not safe to eat. Please don't try. You can eat this a thousand times without getting ill, but it only takes once to get a fatal bacteria poisoning!
It will be fine.
Well... there's two answers to this question.
The official food safety answer and the answer born from experience.
The official food safety answer is no since hot food need to stay hot and should be consumed within a few hours.
However, based upon personal experience, it should be fine even with the pepperoni. This assumes people weren't coughing, sneezing on it and you are relatively clean.
Use your own judgement.
If you're afraid, then toss it out. Is all of this worry worth the few dollars you're trying to save by salvaging the pizza?
i do that everytime we order pizza.