Do you know of anyone who does not like chocolate?!
Answers: YUM you sod you know what this quesiton has done? It now wants me to go and get some chocolate right now thanks YUM I might get kit Kat soon thanks mate I love chockys
Yes I do. They HATE chocolate.
I am one of the few that don't like chocolate. I just never could get to where it tasted good to me. I would always trade my chocolate Easter bunny to my sister for her jellybeans. And Halloween was even worse-everyone gave out those mini chocolate candy bars.YUCK.
yes, my year 3 teacher (all those years ago) hated chocolate. She wouldnt even eat the chocolate cake one of the students mums bought her on her birthday! I have another friend who is allergic to chocolate (something about the caffeiene in it).
I know someone that hates chocolate - you're talking to him.
I am one of those people who do not eat chocolate. I don't actually 'hate' it, I just don't care for it. So I don't eat it.
But, I love potato chips. LOL
My husband can't stand chocolate puddings. He loves chocolate itself though.
I can think of two.
My son hates white chocolate
NO!!!!! How could anyone NOT like chocolate.
My brother...he's allergic or has a sensitivity or something.
I love chocolate, but am intollerant. Just not as bad.
YA my sister hates it.
i love it but i can't eat it because i get toothache!! :-(
If they do not like chococalte...well, they don't know what they are missing !! I feel sorry for them....!
Yes, my friend. Pretty weird though, she hates brown chocolates but don't mind eating those white chocolates.
one of my friends back in 5th grade.:(
i know someone who can't eat chocolate
i like chocolates but not too much
yes. My two brothers and a nephew hate it.
me i cant stand it bob