Push pops??!
is that bad??
how many calories do u think one is??
i think i eat like 3 or 4 a day...
there addicting! i ?? them!LOL
do u like them?
wuts ur fav flavor??
i love blue rasberry but i dnt have it wen im out of my house cuzz it turns my teeth blue.
Answers: ok so i eat alot of push pops evry day
is that bad??
how many calories do u think one is??
i think i eat like 3 or 4 a day...
there addicting! i ?? them!LOL
do u like them?
wuts ur fav flavor??
i love blue rasberry but i dnt have it wen im out of my house cuzz it turns my teeth blue.
I dont think that push pops are bad for u I am also addictided to them and hav one everyday, I told my dentist and she said I can have one but I have to remember to brush my teeth everynight!
OMG!!!! I LOVE THEM!!! OK, so I am sooooo much older than you and didn't know that they were even MADE in other colors than ORANGE!!!! I am so excited I don't even want to find out what the calories are! They are my all time favorite and bring back sooooo many memories. I may have to go to the store...I will have to try not to just get the old kind of just orange! I think blue teeth should be a fad if they are just as good!
umm i wouldnt worry about the calories but im sure there not good 4 ur teeth but who cares!!!??lollys r yumy
who cares how many colories they have there sooo yummy i love all kinds but da blu rasberry also but i feel like a smurf was inside my mouth cuz it turns blue :D
just bad for ure teeth...low in calories though..raises clood sugar making u want more! thats y they r addicting..but i agree.they rock! i like strwberry and cherry
/yes they are so good! I luv blue rasberry too! Ur right they do turn ur teeth blue! lol
i like the spongebob ones
I haven't had one in YEARS but when I was little my dad would always bring them home for me because I loved them. I'd always make a sticky mess though pushing it up. They are good. . .The calories are probably on the package; can't be that many to worry about.