What to eat for dinner?!
Answers: What should I eat? I'm hungry. I am tired of hot wings and cheeseburgers and pizza. Supposedly there are other kinds of foods out there, but if this is true, then what are they?
a nice big pot of home made vegetable soup
or does chili sound better
spagetti, good and easy to make.
tacos= seasoned meat, cheese, shells, lettuce, salsa, sourcream
rice and chicken
Chicken with cream of mushroom soup...mmmm thats what I'm having tonite.
Shrimp and steak and ribs r my fav
get like a microwavable meal like lasagna is really good and if you like pizza, they are sort of similar. I mean, cheese and tomatoe!
try slices of roast chicken breast with a crisp salad ........healthy,low fat and tasty
go to quick dine they have alot of different fods
Tuna salad <*-*>