What's a worse Ice cream topping than Gummi bears?!
but gummi bears get hard and impossible to eat and ruin the whole Ice cream experience.
Answers: Don't say "broken Glass," I love Broken glass.
but gummi bears get hard and impossible to eat and ruin the whole Ice cream experience.
bubble gum. it gets very hard
skittles, they get really hard when cold
I know what you mean. I love Gummi Bears. But not on my ice craem.
that totally true!! y fave tooppings r whipped cream choco fudge sauce, caramel suace, chocolate candy bars like butterfinger, lit kat or musketteers and oreoes and m&ms..like from coldstome creamery...umm, but i dont really care for coconut!! especially if it shredded..it gets all soggy and gross..of course, nasty toppings would also include poop, pee, brocolli, carrots, kale, shrimp..lol...gummy bears beat that!
wow, I can't think of a-one
i hate anything caramel. like ewwwage.
Smarties are worse b.c. they get all hard and flavourless, and the colour bleeds all over and its gross.
I know what you mean about gummy bears, you almost have to swallow the whole bear :( But for me it might have to be M&Ms. I know just about everyone would DISagree with me but about 9 years ago I had an M&Ms McFlurry (my first and LAST McFlurry) from McDonald's and they have mini M&Ms in them. So you can probably imagine how quickly they freeze. Well that was a trip to eat because as soon as I made it to an M&M I almost chipped my tooth it was rock HARD. So, I'm not crazy about M&Ms.
Along with gummy bears, I would say gummy worms, too. Also raisins (I HATE raisins but I could imagine how hard those get too in ice cream)
Left over meat loaf. It can also get really hard, and the bread crumbs in it are just too annoying.
mini marshmallows they get really hard when they get cold and its like eating a rock with your ice cream!