Are there any foods that can make your poo come out blue or red?!
Blueberries and blue jawbreakers (also in large quantities) will turn if blue.
Answers: Canned Beets (in large quantities) will turn your stool and urine red red red.
Blueberries and blue jawbreakers (also in large quantities) will turn if blue.
Beets will make it reddish.
Yes, some Tandoori spice mixes that are bright red used in Indian foods - you will see it again. Blueberries can do it, too, if it is the only thing you eat.
blueberries for sure....and if you eat lots or tomoator or sauce....RED--grody!
The little crackers in the shape of a fish that are multicolored made my daughter's poo, rainbow colored.
IWhile yes beets and blueberries can be the more obvious culprit. We sometimes forget that food colorring, and you can really see it in kids poop. This is partly because their system is so clear. It used to happen to my kidsand it scared me until I found out about this. I stopped giving them anything with food coloring as much as possible when they were young.
see website regarding food coloring:
Beetroot can make your poo red if you eat too much of it, I can't think of anything that would turn it blue though. Licorice will turn it black.
No u pig