Did all Starbucks stop carrying almond flavoring syrup?!
Answers: Yes, yes, I know Starbucks isn't real coffee, etc. I just want to know if anyone one else has heard of or encountered this.
I've not ever had the almond syrup in my white chocolate mocha (excellent choice). However, I like it with a shot of caramel. I'm going tomorrow for my weekly treat--I'll have to see if ours has it.
Starbucks is real coffee and when I worked there I don't remember them having almond syrup!
Yes. I've heard of it. Before i moved, i always got a hazlenut
latte with almond syrup drizzled on top. But now that i've
moved, they do not have it here.
So, NO. Not all Starbucks stopped carrying it, just some
might have changed thier inventory stalk.
The only starbucks in my country is in the international airport :(
I got hooked on frappuchinos traveling in warm countries that either have no coffee or which generally serve brown water.
yeah. i think they had almond flavoring syrup.