Who likes Chips Ahoy chewy cookies?!
Answers: i luv those things!!!
MEEEEEEEE!!!! i love them to death i eat them every single day of my life they are ah-mazing!!!!!!
I love them too!
they are the only ones I eat!
they're good, but nothing beats cookies right out of the oven!
They're awesome! I usually pop them in the microwave for 5 seconds, just to melt the chocolate a little.
I like them too especially with chocolate ice cream yummy or if you put them in the microwave for 10 seconds they taste oh sooooooo good...
I make ice cream sandwiches out of them. yummy!!!!!!!!!!
When I was younger I did. I bought a package recently and I didn't like them at all.
melt in my mouth!
mee too!! heres a great recipe for choc chip cookies!!! ahh..who am i kidding!! store bought lkind like chips ahoysabe time and money and taste the best!!