How to change pee color?!
Answers: I am looking for harmless ways to change my pee into funky colors. For example, I realise that if swallowing vitamin B tablets makes me pee flourescent, almost glow in the dark neon yellow. Do you know of any HARMLESS chemicals or foods that can make you pee in other colors?
Try red cabbage or beet juice. Use a vegetable juicer. I have to warn you, the cabbage juice DOES NOT taste very good. I was on a juice fast and drank a lot of organic juices. The beet and cabbage juice will give your pee the color of blood.
food coloring.
drinking lots of fluids i mean like tuns of fluids - makes it go clear :D
Ok... well i don't know about pee but if you eat to much goody gum drops ice-cream sometimes your poo turns blue... not nice.
eat alot of beets it turns pruple!
All I can think of is drinking like 4 litres of Cola will make your urine darker.... I hope that helps!
My father was on antibiotics that made his pee blue... He had to show me he was so entertained by it...
eat a lot of beets .....! it will come purple....or you get sick ?
beetroot tinges ur pee pinkish red
Find something productive to do. What a waste of time!!!!!