Have You Eaten Yellow Watermelon?!
You'll like this one! They're grown in Japan. They're probably not yellow.
Answers: I remember staying with my relatives in Athens, Georgia as a child and they would grow Watermelon with other crops. I really loved walking to the fields to pick vegetables and Watermelons with my grandparents. We came across some melons that were ripe for picking and my grandpa took out his knife and plugged one for me to taste. I was shocked cause it was yellow! I had never seen anything other than Red Watermelons and I thought it was sick (I was kind of dumb then) because it wasn't the right color. My grandparents assured me it was ok and I tasted it and it was very good. I can't seem to find them in Las Vegas at any time of the year. Do you like them? Here are some pics for you:
You'll like this one! They're grown in Japan. They're probably not yellow.
The yellow watermelon used to be very rare, but now it can be found in many places. I live in Spain (for example) and we have it every summer in our local supermarkets. I do not find it very different in taste from the red one.
Watermelon (Citrulles Lanatus) has not only red and pink varieties, but also the yellow mentioned here and white ones.
The "Square" watermelon is a "kinky" hybrid created in Japan... Very expensive (it's hard to grow the shape) and no better tasting, it's just the quirk of the cube shape.
And speaking of yellow, I remember when my aunt in Ohio, introduced me to lovely, juicy yellow tomatoes from her garden!
I haven't eaten one, but I was aware that they existed.
Yes I have.In my opinion it tastes better than the red type. How did the mellons grown in Japan become square, were they grown in a box in a hot room?
Yes, I've eaten them. My neighbor grew some and gave me a couple of them. They were delicious.
You can find seed for them in in garden catalogs. I think I remember seeing them in the Gurney catalog.
I opted to stick with my red melons. The color is strange. Some are quite yellow inside and some are more orange or rust colored.
yea,ive had it
Its kind of like blood oranges...you don't expect them but they are there.
I didn't know they existed!