What exactly is 'organic' food?!
Basically the food is produced naturally, without adding chemicals such as artificial fertilisers to plants or growth hormones in meat
Answers: Food produced under an official organic scheme, such as the soil association in the UK. This body ensures the standards of organic agriculture are maintained.
Basically the food is produced naturally, without adding chemicals such as artificial fertilisers to plants or growth hormones in meat
It's a marketing ploy and nothing more.
By definition, any substance that contains Carbon is organic.
unnecessarily expensive ;) x
is food growing on land that is chemical free.
Its about how the food is grown. There is nothing added to the food wen being grown such as human waste!
Not really sure,as everything has been genetically altered now for optimum performance and growth rate and size etc.You could say it is a crop /food that has been grown with no chemical fertilizers,but the seeds were genetically enhanced in the first place.A fresh laid egg,a vegetable straight from the garden without fertilizers or chemical aid.I know of nothing that has not been changed,tampered with and genetically modified at some stage of its growth or creation.
Organic farming is less damaging for the following reasons:
Organic farms do not consume or release synthetic pesticides into the environment — some of which have the potential to harm soil, water and local terrestrial and aquatic wildlife.
Organic farms are better than conventional farms at sustaining diverse ecosystems, i.e., populations of plants and insects, as well as animals.
When calculated either per unit area or per unit of yield, organic farms use less energy and produce less waste, e.g., waste such as packaging materials for chemicals.
food grown without pesticides or anything to help it grow or kill the bugs..basically..stuff just grown without any chemicals
it should be food without any pesticides or preservatives and any modification, what means that anything fat free, slimmed food is no longer organic,
the fact is that there is almost no organic food nowadays as most of food is modified anyway. For example when you look at something called organic cucumber in tesco it has size of modified cucumber, real cucumber (not modified) is of 1/3rd or 1/4th of cucumber in tesco or asda etc.
here is pic of modified cucumber
and thats how cucumber should look like to call it organic
it is not straight usually, but curved, and has not so smooth skin,
and if it is straight it looks like fat mr cucumber
so in fact organic is the same game as fair trade, just way to make you pay more for something :)
ORGANIC food should be true to nature without ANY modifications.
The difference between Organic & kosher.
Organic: organic foods does not use pesticides or synthetic (or sewage-based) fertilizers for plant materials and hormones
Kosher: Kosher foods are those that conform to Jewish law. Invalidating characteristics may range from the presence of ingredients derived from non-kosher animals or kosher animals that were not properly slaughtered, a mixture of meat and milk, wine or grape juice (and their derivatives) produced by gentiles, the use of produce from Israel that has not been tithed properly, or even the use of cooking utensils and machinery which had previously been used for non-kosher
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food grown in Organ......lol.......Its suppose be all natural like the good ol days...no chemicals,hormones..etc...free range chicken,cows.....natural fertilizer,natural bug repel etc.....
Just remember the USDA does not regulate Organic food nor monitors which is and which isn't.
What the amounts to..is anybody can call their food organic as long as it meets the safety guidelines.
grown food with no pesticides or any other chemicals sprayed on them {veg & fruit} fish, chicken and other animals have been able to roam free on none chemical sprayed land
Global Warming comes to mind. Seems another excuse for inflated prices. Weeds are the IN thing.
I love nettle soup, nettle drink cleans the blood. Nature is powerful. & is allergic to these words Organic & Global Warming