What sounds like a good snack...I'm hungry but can't figure out what I want?!
Answers: Any good ideas?! I'm sending my fiance to the store, but can't think of what I want! Help!
Salty: Salt & Vinegar Chips
Sweet: Honey Cheese Curls
Healthy: Chex Mix (original or cheddar) or Popcorn
Somewhat Spicy: Kettle Cooked Jalapeno Chips (I love them)
Yummy: Tortilla Chips w/ Salsa & Cheese Whiz
Chocolatey: A Brownie or Fudge Cake
or if you're looking more for something that will fill you, a pretzel or a bagel is good.
Cereal! Or naval oranges and strawberries!
Banana split
Ice Cream
Cinnamon rolls
I'd love a root beer float right now!!
Chips and salsa.....
first what do you want? salty? or sweet?
sweet I would go with the new chex mix turtle its really good chocolatey and caramel mmm
salty? I would go with some kettle cooked chips the salt & vinegar kind lays makes or some chips and salsa!
Protean. This will fill you up. Plus, it's a good nutrient. If you want to try one, get a Power Aid protean bar in either chocolate mint or in cookies and cream flavor. I eat those right after a good long bike ride and one fills me up nicely until dinner.
Peanut butter and crackers - great with raspberry jam!