How do you pick mangos?!
Answers: how do you pick a good mango?
When choosing a mango, pick one that is plump and heavy for its size. Most importantly, the mango should be fragrant when held near your nose. If you'll be using the mango right away, you will want to find a ripe one. Mangos are ripe when easily indented with your thumb. (Avoid mangos that are so ripe they feel mushy.)
you want a mango that is yellow and some what soft. if not it will be brown in the inside and too ripe!
The best way to find the perfect mange is by picking it up and smelling it. it should smell sweet. you can do this with all fruit. i do and it has worked for me so far. Good luck
If picking from a tree, look for ones that are colorful (not green) and are slightly soft to the touch (not mushy)
If getting them from a grocery store, look for colorful ones that are slightly soft to the touch and are sweet smelling.