Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners?!
I prefer sugar because it is natural, but what annoys me is that most fizzy drinks these days contain aspartame, saccharin etc.
maybe you don't want to drink these?
your advice on these would be appreciated and are there any major health risks associated with artificial sweeteners?
Answers: Which do you prefer and why?
I prefer sugar because it is natural, but what annoys me is that most fizzy drinks these days contain aspartame, saccharin etc.
maybe you don't want to drink these?
your advice on these would be appreciated and are there any major health risks associated with artificial sweeteners?
sugar is much healthier!!! artificial sweetners cannot be processed by ur body and is like a also actually increases craving and weight gain...its also been linked with cancer! I WILL NOT HAVE ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS...i dont care if they have no calories, sugar is better in moderation and atleast its not a man made poison to ur body!
Cancer. Saccharine is made from coal-tar.
sugar tastes better. and is natural..
honey is also a good sweetener
There are no proven risks of artificial sweeteners personally though I do not like to put anything so in natural in my body. I don't eat processed foods much at all so when cooking I try to avoid sugar but if i need to I always use a raw sugar or brown sugar or honey.
As far as fizzy drinks I recommend a soda siphon were you can add fruit juice and soda water and make it
well, artificial sweeteners can leave a bitter taste in your mouth and regular sugar gets you a long way from the bitter taste but i prefer. Sugar in the Raw. It's not proccessed like regular sugar and it's better for you.
Avoid like the plague, it is chemically rat poison.