Who is your LEAST favorite food network chef? And why?!
Answers: I can't stand Ina Garten, she's so pretentious! It makes me laugh that her name looks like "in a garden". Lol.
I'm with you! I hate "in a garden" too!!! =]
hmm, i kinda dont like sandra something. that not homemade show or whatever.
her food just looks... not tasty
Emeril and Mario Battali are horrible.
Rachel Ray makes me crazy. Those little phrases like "yum-o" make me want to gouge my eyes out with a grapefruit spoon.
I don't like the newest one Amy the gormet next door, she makes my skin crawl listening to her.
I have to agree with you! Ina Garten drives me nuts! She rarely cooks with anything 'normal' ppl would have in their house, and honestly WHO has as much time as she does to prepare something.
Alton Brown, if he is even a chef. Hate his show! Now I LOVE some Paula Deen!
Robert Irvine because he lied on his resume. What kind of person does that? I'm glad Food Network announced he's being fired after this season. I never liked his "Dinner Impossible" anyway, but I surely don't want to watch any more liars on TV. If I want that, I can turn on C-Span.
Sandra Lee. She doesn't seem to know what she's doing. And nothing that she "cooks" looks good to me.
I'm with you guys on Sandra Lee--she just seems pointless and her table scapes?!? Do not get me started...
I'm also with you on Ina Garten. I can only watch her show for a few minutes at a time because when ever she is around ANYONE, she nervously laughs CONSTANTLY.
Another one that really gets on my nerves: Michael Chiarello from Easy Entertaining. He just seems like kind of a d**che...
Rachel Ray is horrible, her sanitation practices atrocious, her technique laughable, and her recipes are less inventive than something my 12-year-old son could come up with.
Sandra Lee is almost as annoying, but at least she doesn't demonstrate things that can poison you!
Emeril is a has-been, never really liked him in the first place.
Paul Prudomme..just doesn't set well with me...he's not consistent with some of the food he cooks.And he needs to quite wearing the rubber gloves.
I love Paula but she needs to leave the boys at the restaurant.
.Lydia is a little to much too...her son just wants to get his face fed
BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Emerald Live...its not all that.
I can't stand Sandra Lee. Ina Garten thinks she is God's gift to food. I also do not care for Giada Delerentis. She has a weird smile to me.
#1 Least Favorite: Giada Delaurentis is a waste of oxygen. That woman acts like she has a golf ball in her mouth as she clenches her teeth together and still manages to AR-TIC-U-LATE every word.
#2 Least Favorite: Michael Chiarello wouldn't be able to speak if the world "carmelization" was taken from his vocabulary. Try playing a Carmelization Drinking Game while you watch his show. You'll get blitzed!
#2 Least Favorite: Mario Batali is a pretentious fop. Hearing Italian come from the mouth of a fat Lucky Charms mascot wearing Crocs is too much.
I agree with you about Ina Garten. I don't like her show because it just seems so "not real life" because she is always having these friends who are having parties and need her help to cook things (but she isn't invited, how rude is that)?! And the Jeffrey thing - Jeffrey likes this, Jeffrey likes that, I made this for Jeffrey, blah blah blah. And whenever we actually see Jefferey, he is sitting on the patio hiding behind a newspaper, like he doesn't even want to discuss whatever dish she has brought him, and would be happy with just toast and coffee. I mean, just cook and show the food - I don't care about all your friends and family.
As people Rachel Ray, Emeril, and Sandra lee. To me they all just seem like really mediocre cooks with likable (to some) personalities.
I also really dislike Giada who seems terribly insincere and never really smiles she just opens her mouth really wide. But I enjoy her recipes at a least.