Is there anyone in your household who?!
I do a check list for shopping and sometimes count in an empty one thinking there is something in it!
Answers: puts empty cartons, jars etc back in cupboards when they have used them?
I do a check list for shopping and sometimes count in an empty one thinking there is something in it!
HaHaHa.... doesn't it make you wild!!!! My husband and son used to do this all the time. Periodically, I'd go through the food storage and build a huge pyramid in the middle of the kitchen table of all the stuff there WASN'T to eat. It was fun...and made NO difference at all... just made ME feel better. You have to LAUGH...cause cryin' never helps!
YES!!! my boyfriend does it and it drives me mad!!
yeah all of them, i think theres only me can find the bin........xx
I used to do it when I was younger my parents would get pissed when I did it!
Both my son and partner do this. I can forgive my son - he's young, but a 41 year old man !!!
yeah normally the kids,they can be so dense at times:)
My son puts the milk carton back in when it's empty.
Oh God YES! I made a rule that the person who uses the last of the orange juice has to throw the carton away and get a new one out. The result was the carton was never totally emptied, one teaspoon of juice left in the bottom. Every single time!
Ahhhhhhhh you know my husband then .....
He drives me up the wall by doing this .. it is so lazy
Yeah- I find it so irritating. Go to get something and it just an empty pack.
Not empty, but with 1 serving or less in them...yeah. If you can't see into a container always check the amount of contents left. Don't assume just because a jug of milk or box of cereal is present, that there's plenty inside.
Not usually. But my hubby always uses the last of the toilet roll and never replaces it. He also drinks out of cartons and says he's doing me a favour by saving on the washing up!
I think we all live with someone who does that. LOL.
I guess we should make them do inventory.
yes my husband.too lazy to throw it in bin
Years ago husband and 3 kids always grrrrrrrrrrr
Awww.... so that's why you guys get so mad about that.
I'm guilty ,but thanks to you posting this i can now point out to my partner (AKA Mrs Dr evil) that i am not alone and it must be a illness :) I thank you
No way.
Both of my brothers (18 and 11) do it. And I'm guessing I'm not the only one who will go for a box of cereal only to find crumbs.
My brothers also leave just enough soda or milk in the carton for maybe a few gulps, definitely not enough for even half a glass. They use all the milk for breakfast and then we're all gone for the day thinking that there is still some milk left, but find that there actually isn't when we get home. Why can't they just say "We're out of milk, can you stop and milk can you stop and pick some up on your way home?". They have to always make it a guessing game.
My mom and I have attempted to teach my brothers to help make the grocery list as we run out of items, but that seems hopeless even though it's RIGHT ON THE FRIDGE.
Yes my daughter! She has a thing for pickled onions, finishes the jar and then puts it back in the cupboard. I cleaned that cupboard last week and found 5 empty onion jars. lol
Yes, and after over 10 years of marriage, hubby is still in training over this issue! Do I have Xray vision? Don't think so!
This is so totally a guy thing, you know the same guy who has a problem figuring out toilet seats? He puts his socks behind the chair, under the bed, etc.
I assume that if it is milk, oj, salty or spicy, it must be replaced each week.
The only remedy I can think of is to install a basketball hoop over the trash can in the kitchen and over the hamper in the hall!
Hubbie was good at doing this until trained him. Think it is a male thing!
yep my kids have been known to put the empty pickle jar back or the coke or milk jug with literally only a swallow in it...drives me nuts....
Hiya hon :o) xx Yep - Im afraid there is: it's my hubby! I went to get some weetabix for breakfast this morning, and found an empty packet so I had to have some toast and marmite instead!! It drives me mad lol xxx
yes i do...but i forgive myself as i know i am very forgetful
Oh yeah...4 teenagers and my "adult" boyfriend. ha ha ha...I swear they are all soooo bad with this and it drives me NUTS!!
Ooo that is sooo annoying!
It's gotta be a man!! :o)
Not exactly. My husband will " inadvertently misfile " items. Things that should be refrigerated end up in the cupboards, and peanut butter ends up getting cold and hard to spread.