Chips or crisps????!
Answers: Well I am from New Jersey, USA. Around here most people call them chips. I don't eat them, I tend to just call them crap, but when I do mention them its crisps.
Crisps are for men who carry purses
I would prefer to eat chips. I call any kind of chips chips, unless it specifically says on the package that they are "crisps".
well which kind of chips are you refering to, the kind in a bag or British chips?
Anyway if its from a bag its chips, crisps in my world refer to a fruit dessert.
Ahh the age old question.
If you are talking about very thinly sliced fried potatoes that come in a variety of flavors, the US calls them Chips, the UK calls them Crisps, now if you are talking french fries, the US calls them fries (unless ordered with fish then they are chips) and the UK calls french fries, chips.
chips <*-*>
uhh chips. what is a crisp??