Why does a cup of tea fill you up?!
Answers: It doesn't, it just makes it so that you don't feel hungry. Most tea (green tea, black tea, etc.) has caffeine in it, which speeds up your metabolism, gives you a boost of energy, and reduces your appetite. So you are not actually full but you may feel full/ may not feel like eating because of the caffeine.
Because anything you put in your stomach takes up room and our stomachs are only so big. I find myself fuller with a hot drink vs. a cold one though.
caffeine maybe?
its to do with the heat and the evaporation of the liquid in your stomach, as when it hits your stomach acid it will evaporate a bit faster than usual and this steam (or what ever you prefer to call it) kind of tickles the receptors near the top of your stomach making your body release the hormone that makes you feel full.
Doesn't fill me up SJ.
If I have a brew it seems to make room.