What is the best way to store salt in my kitchen?!
Answers: usually it gets watery and the carton becomes soft. how should i store salt? where should i put it?
If you look back a couple of hundred years, you will see this is not a modern problem, but a very old one. Old buildings used to have a hole built into the main chimney - like a small alcove, where the salt box would be kept. Because the chimney held warmth for a long time, it would keep the salt dry.
Therefore if you have an aga or hot place, keep it above that.
Unfortunately, modern cookers do not store heat, so we have to resort to other means.
I have a coffee maker with a warmplate on the top. I keep my sugar jar and salt jar on there all the time. Whenever I make coffee, I just undo the lids of each while I'm making coffee. The base heat drives off any moisture, and I recap when cooled.
Try this trick for sugar - When the oven is on, put a tablespoon of seasalt in a foil piedish - and put it in the oven after cooking your meal. After the washing up, take it out and pour into a cone of paper or kitchen roll - fold up tightly and pop it in your sugar jar. In a day or so, your sugar will be dry, and you can reuse your salt many times.
If you have a lot of damp salt, there are biscuit tins with a silica gel compartment. Just heat this as the salt to dry it, then keep your salt in that instead of busciuts.
Wow! Sounds like you live some where VERY humid. The best way is in a glass or plastic shaker with some raw rice grains mixed in it. I have seen a mix that is as much as 50% rice. The rest, I would store in a glass jar with a tight lid. Or you could try those little silicone packs, I have no idea where you would get those.
in your sugar bowl
in a salt dispenser x
Put it in an air tight container like a jar or a plastic bowl with a tight fitting lid. Put it in a cupboard away from the sink and not above your stove
i keep mine in the fridge it stops it from sticking