Y are round pizzia in Square boxes?!
Answers: that is a good question. the answer is because it is easier to stack boxes than it is to stackcircles. If you look carefully the boxes have little finger-like things on them.that means that they cant slide. And the fact that is is cheaper to cut squares!
It's not easy to make a round box.
square boxes stack together easier and offer more weight resistance.
Because a round box would take up too much time, cardboard and money to make, and pizzas have always been thrown which gives them the round shape.
...and that is a very good question! I would think it is easier to get a piece of pizza out of a square box because of the angles rather than from a circle box
because some pizza's are made square
and its not that easy to make round boxes
and the pizza's just fit way better that way
Manufacturing costs would be considerably higher to make the boxes round. So we must live with square boxes and round pizzas. Better if we make the pizzas square.
What shape box would you prefer?
they are easier to stack in the pizza shop!! plus when u see it comin u think wow this pizza is sooooooooooo big, but in fact ins really small and round:(:(
good question thou xx
All of the above, plus it gives you the corner to fit your fingers into so you can grap a piece of the pizza!