Have intense cravings what is the case?!
What are good healthy ways to deal with salt cravings and what is a good way to control this? Is this normal?
Answers: For the longest time I have had and still have these intense cravings for soda, salty foods like doritos, tacos, fast food burgers and fritos, speghetti with butter I am not preganat or any thing like that,
What are good healthy ways to deal with salt cravings and what is a good way to control this? Is this normal?
I have been this way for years! Salty chips, INTENSE flavors like garlic and onions, SWEET things like coke and pie are what I love. Maybe you just developed taste buds that crave intense flavors!?!
Sometimes it's an electrolye imbalance... sometimes you are craving a specific mineral...
Just at a quick look - I'd say try upping your vitamin C slightly - and your calcium and magnesium, omega 3's and protein.
Tomatoes - Vitamin C...
Tomatoes, pasta, many chips - magnesium...
Meats - protein...
Cheeses, butterfats - calcium...
Fats - (your skin and brain crave) - Omega 3's...
Go to a doctor and get a blood panel run. They may pinpoint things exactly.
Sub fried chips for baked - make ground turkey burgers (mix in raw meat some Knorr beef bullion - it's great), at home instead of beef... substitute the unhealthy for the healthy and go ahead and enjoy!
I hope this helps.