How much fiber do you need in your daily diet?!
Answers: can anyone tell me the difference between "soluble" and "insoluble" fiber? an example of each?
Is this a question for homework? Soluble fibers gets digested. Example: Apples. Insolubale fiber cannot be digested and therefore fills you up faster. Example: Oatmeal.
You should get at least 20grams of fiber daily.
The typical American diet is high in processed foods, most of which contain little or no fiber. Most people get only around 10-12 grams of fiber per day, but you need 25 grams or more to get the real benefits.
If your current diet is low in fiber, it's important that you increase fiber gradually over a period of weeks. If you increase your fiber intake too quickly, it can cause bloating, stomach pains and gas.