Is chocolate actually addictive?!
Answers: I know it releases endorphins and such like, but do you think it can actually be addictive in a similar same way as drugs and alcohol?
yes it can be... addiction is nothing more than manually increasing levels of selected affected hormones or body functions. so can shopping.... driving fast... stealing...
Course it's not!!!!
I'm mildly addicted. Have some every night. The cravings wane if I don't eat it for a few weeks.
no. you dont get chocolate withdrawals and you dont get hangovers from eating too much chocolate, so i would have to say that its not addictive.
Only slightly, because of the caffeine, primarily, that is in it....about as addictive as coffee and tea.
obv not ..!
but u can eat it lots Lol
I think i'm addicted to chocolate !!!
I have to have some everyday..................... if it's not addiction then i have a real craving problem LOL
Chocolate in itself is not addictive; but the addiction is in the great pleasure in eating it. It affects differend people in many different ways. Some suck slowly on large chunks and and feel exotic pleasure; while others may even feel erotic pleasure. analyse you own feeling while eating and see where your pleasure lies.
the caffine in the chocolate is the addictive part.
I'll tell you whats addictive...Chocolate pudding in a crepe wrap! I almost have to have one every single day!! Its so amazingly heavenly! They do them at Wrapid on D'arblay street, Soho, London.