Are Coconuts and Coconut Milk Fattening When trying to lose weight, Should I stay away all together?!
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- atherosclerosis - stroke.
Lots of information about the amazing benefits of cocont fat contradict everything we've always heard about saturated fats. Weight loss requires fat in your diet. I looked under Dr. david williams coconut. I hope this helps
Answers: Pacific islanders and other populations that consume an abundance of coconut oil are amazingly free from degenerative diseases so common in the west including:
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- atherosclerosis - stroke.
Lots of information about the amazing benefits of cocont fat contradict everything we've always heard about saturated fats. Weight loss requires fat in your diet. I looked under Dr. david williams coconut. I hope this helps
Coconut oil and avocado and other healthy fats can actually burn the bad fats, so it would be good to eat these foods. Report It
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