What is the difference between green and red tomatoes?!
Answers: Besides color, i mean taste wise...thanks =)
Green tomatoes are not ripe so they will be less sweet and more sour. Green tomatoes are sturdier (less messy when sliced). They are not interchangable with red tomatoes but are a viable vegetable in and of themselves. Fried green tomatoes are great as is green tomato relish.
they are both gross
red ones are ripe, the green are'nt...
one is ripe and one isn"t?
the darker the red, normally the more ripe. green is normally not as ripe, and somewhat sour
Red ones are typically sweeter and more fleshy. Green tomatoes...yuckkkkk! Gimme da red! Pesto!
umm, well, one is hard, bitter, and not nice at all, and one is ripe, juicy, and tastes like tomato.
Arent green tomatos just unripe normal red tomatos???
not much..the yellow, purple or pink ones either. They all taste like tomatoes...
Green ones aren't ripe yet. They're slightly sour/bitter, and are better cooked or in sauce. You probably don't want to eat one raw. They're also not as soft as red ones.
I dont know but I think the Red is more ripe. Which would mean better to eat.
I never seen green tomatoes for some reason but sorry dont have the expierence to tell you.
welll red is ripe green isnot roipe....i imagine green 1s to be hard and sour and red 1s too be soft and sweet...i h8 tomatoes full stop lol.
One is red and the other is green
green tomatoes are generally unripened and therefore startchy and not sweet. green tomatoes are used like potatoes or pasta in a dish. they dont have the nutritional value of other coloured tomatoes.
They are unripe... The green ones lack favor but making fried green tomato's are awesome...
Red are riper
Green have a more even, tartness to them. More of a bite. Red are a smoother tangy kind of flavor.
the green ones are very hot
one tastes good and the other tastes better
green tomatoes are hard and taste bitter/really bad
red tomatoes are yummy and not as hard/disgusting
A green tomato is an unripe tomato red thereby is obviously ripe. They have totally different taste and texture - the green is firmer and a little more acidic and less sweet.
i am not a specialist, but i'm pretty sure that green tomatoes aren't ready to be eaten yet, next time u go buy tomatoes, buy the red ones
ones green and ones red, haha. The green is ripe, and the red isnt.
Green tomatoes are just unripened tomatoes, but slice them, salt and pepper them, meal or either flour them, and fry it in a littlt crisco oil, oh they are delicious, but the red tomatoes are good just sliced, and eaten.
The acidicy.