Why do cooks often ring the server bell with their spatula--it's unsanitary?!
Answers: You should see what they do with the spatula when the line cook screws up!
tradition, there is not much sanitary about a cook's spatula anyway.
Would it be any less sanitary if they rang it with their hand, then went back to handling the food?
Heat from the grill kills any harmful bacteria
Although it is unsanitary, chances were you were in some type of diner or restaurant with one or very few cooks, so they most likely are in a rush and dont have time to put the spatula down.
dont be such a germiphobe. bacteria is good for ya you know. it builds up your resistance to bacteria in the long run.
it's quick and convenient.
have you ever worked in a resaurant? you'd be suprised how many things go on that are unsanitary.
1. The kinds of places that use bells aren't usually the spiffiest of the bunch.
2. Touching the bell, then touching food is just as unsanitary
3. Setting down the spatula to ring the bell takes time.
4. The heat from the grill will kill anything on the spatula, and people are far too worried about germs, considering that there are more on most folks toothbrushes than on their hands.
I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant or diner or anything that still does that. Last time I saw that happen was in the movie I watched the other day.
why is it not sanitary? They can wash off the bell, and they have probably at least rinsed off the spatula, which they have finished using... I would imagine they would throw it in with the other dishes to wash afterwards. that is what my grandmother always did.