Where can you find dried strawberry's?!
Answers: I really don't know where you can find them. But you can try to dehydrate them yourself with a food dehydrator... I've dehydrated bananas and I'm thinking about doing some kiwis soon. You can find a dehydrator almost anywhere...Wal-mart, Meijer or any store like that. They usually run about 30 dollars. I hope this message helped. Good luck.
the only place i have seen them is in cereal. and that sounds like too much work to pick them out
In the baby food aisle they have little packages of freeze dried fruit for babies. I like the strawberry and banana ones.
Most grocery stores would have them especially if they have a health food section or organic nature section. And, yes, I too have bought them in the baby aisle.
Or try a Whole foods type store, natural foods store.
Good luck!
Some fruit stands or grocery stores might.
Whole Foods.