I made kool-aid 24 hours ago and we left it sitting out. Is it okay to drink?!
Answers: It is in a pinter with a lid.
Of course.
It sure is! Enjoy!
it's safe to drink...kool-aid does not go bad...~●●●●●●
Yep. I do this all the time. Don't hurt it one bit. It is only flavoring, sugar and water. None of that stuff will go bad.
yep! it should be just fine..
Depends on what climate you are in. If you are in a cold or cool climate then yes. If you are in a tropical climate then it can ferment. But my guess is it is still ok but please do refrigerate it soon. Sugar and sugar substitutes can turn.
might be stuff floating in it and dust particals maybe even lil bugs you can't see are in there .... gross i wouldn't drink it but you wont get sick or die! lol
its fine, chill it and drink it down.......I want some too!
Of course!! I do that ALL the time!
Yep! There is nothing in kool-aid to go bad that quick.
I don't see why it wouldn't be.
Yes, it's fine. Kool-aid is mostly artificial stuff as far as flavoring goes, and sugar-water doesn't go bad that quickly :-)
go ahead and drink it, it's safe to drink, i have done it many times, just pop it back in the fridge for a while and let it cool
It is good to drink. Depending on your climate where you live it is hot and dry it could fermit and you would have wine. But if the room was cool then you should be fine.
You could boil it, to kill the germs?