Do you believe it is torture, if someone cooks a live lobster??!
Answers: Yes it is.The lobster should be put under just like the frogs you kill and dissect in high school.But boiling crawfish,you just dont have time for all of that when the water is boiling and I am jamming on my guitar and the beer is cold.....
I've seen it done and it looks horrible to me. I think it is.
No...but it is damn good!!
yes, i do!!!! i cant even stand on a bug .
No. If they are chilled in the fridge and then plunged into boiling water headfirst the die instantly
No, lobsters are considered PLF's. Pathetic life forms, where torture does not apply. Now if your asking if it hurts the lobster when he's tossed into a pot of boiling water, then the answer is yes, he is in pain.
Dont worry about the lobster. We now live in a society where it is ok to torture people. Join the CIA and you can boil muslims
Torture? No. Torture would be putting it through pain for a long time and letting it die a slow death.
Boiling a live lobster is as humane as it gets. It's doesn't feel a thing.
ha ha, then you should wait for it to riot before chewing it. I don't believe it's torture, it's tasty, most delicious food ever on this planet. Sorry I'm not a vegetarian, but the war has begone for a long time.
Maybe freezing it is not torturing.
Does that help
is it torture to kill any animal just so that we can eat it. if so than is it not torture to uproot a plant so that we can eat it?
yup it feels the pain, shame on us,,but they are irresistibly good
The newest reports do actually show that the lobsters actually feel yes...I think its cruel....but oh so yummie!!! Especially with a slather of melted butter!!!!
yeah, think of yourself being cooked alive... still doesn't mean it isn't good though!
Of course not. IT'S AN ANIMAL. Yes it hurts it but that is what it is there for EATING (and don't start talking about the ecosystem).
Nope. It's just the way it needs to be done. Lobsters, clams, oysters sometimes too are all usually alive up until the moment you cook it.
Essentially, any way we choose to kill an animal is torture. But, they were put there for us to eat, and eat we must. So eat away.
Now, I've never cooked a lobster... but I've always been under the assumption that it was best to immerse it in cool water, then gradually raise the heat. That way the lobster becomes accustomed to the temperature and doesn't realise it has died and is being enjoyed.
Ask yourself if you'd like it. If it's not okay to do it to yourself or to someone you love(mother, father, siblings, boyfriend/girlfriend, ect) then why would it be okay to do it to another living being? What if you were the lobster?
Well it can't be the nicest thing to be boiled alive, so yes!!!