Eating food?!
Answers: what is a good after school snack to make! not open like a bag of chips or fishys...something neat yummy and unique......
Cheese and crackers, hummus and veggies, a turkey sandwich on a mini pita or bagel, cup-a-soup, trail mix (try one with salted cocktail peanuts, raisins and mimi M&Ms), ramen noodles, yogurt layered with fresh fruit and garonla or other crunchy cereal, or my favorite when I was a kid: English muffin pizzas (just top the halves with bottled pizza or spaghetti sauce, shredded cheese and toppings of your choice. Heat up in the toaster oven or microwave)
fruit salad
ice cream
icecream, smores, a sandwich, and a whole bunch of other things!
fishys? thats not even a word.
But anyways
fruit salad
marshmallows and fruit
Some low fat yogurt with some fresh berries and coconut flakes. Maybe some granola added if you like a little crunch.
Yogurt is good. I like carbs, so I eat almonds to keep me from eating chips, healthy and good. Fruit and raw veggies with dip are good too.
peanut butter crackers
pop corn
mini pizza
carrot and celery sticks with your favorite dip
crumble oreos into a bowl of vanilla ice cream and make your own cookies and creme!