What does Yakult , taste like ?!
Answers: i now it looks brown and looks like it could have been derived from a Yak but its supposed to be healthy as ive heard
they're good for your body.
yakult is lactic acid drink.
there're 150 hundred millions of lactic acid bacteria / bottle (65ml). really good for your intestine.
taste like.... yoghurt or milk with sugar.
it tastes like milk that is on the turn
I have no idea sorry
In a word Yak/Yuk! Try Actimel, much nicer!
its unique but yummy n sweet.
taste bacteria.
Like gravy strained through a sumo wrestlers thong
wats yakat? tell mee plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzee....
Never fancied it, might be GOOD bacteria, but that just doesn't appeal
very nice
It tastes almost like a yogurt. <*-*>
Don't believe the Commercials its not delicious its bloody GROSS.
I do believe its fermented milk.
Like very strong pure live yoghurt, free from sugar or any other addittives. It's an acquired taste.
I remember being given a free sample of it a few years back...can't remember what it tasted like now but all i know is that at the time i thought it was disgusting! I think the only way you can find out for sure is to try it yourself....good luck!
sweet milk shake
It' sweet and soury with a bit of caramel-like flavour...don't worry it's not that scary thing.....even children drinks in Japan.