Does V8 taste good?!
Answers: thank you
To me, yes, but it really depends on your preference. If you usually don't eat many veggies and/or fruits, it will taste nasty to you. A good way to enjoy it is to fill half a glass with V8 and the other with water, that dilutes it and allows you to enjoy the flavors without them competing so much.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww v8 is gross!
YES! I love it. And it's good for you too.
yeah i think so
If you like tomato taste, then yes. You couldn't pay me enough to drink the stuff though.
yes, I like it with a little salt and a couple drops of Tabasco too.
yea its kinda has a lot of sodium
the spicy one is nasty
I love V8, especially the Hot and Spicy. If you don't like the taste of regular V8, try V8 Fusion. It tastes like fruit juice, but contains a full serving of veggies too!
Depends on if you get one of the blended flavors. I had a tropical one that was pretty good.
It is the best juice on the market. A little salt, pepper & T-sauce will start your day.
yea....i add in lime, tabasco and other stuff to make it taste like bloody mary mix. Its pretty good actually.
i love v8 it is so awsome
I think it tastes good. However, I did not like the taste when I was young. I believe that V8 (or any tomato juice) is somewhat of an acquired taste.
Yuck! I don't know how people can drink them.