Can you lose body fat with out losing weight?!
the weird thing is, i haven't lost any weight, but i look like i have. i look thinner, or leaner.
could i have lost body fat, and not weight? It seems like i've lost some body fat.
When you lose body fat do you lose weight or see a difference in scale numbers?
if i gained muscle wouldn't i have gained weight, since muscle weighs more than fat?
Answers: 6-7 months ago i started eating really healthier, i mean a lot, and exercising more. I'm trying to lose a couple of pounds
the weird thing is, i haven't lost any weight, but i look like i have. i look thinner, or leaner.
could i have lost body fat, and not weight? It seems like i've lost some body fat.
When you lose body fat do you lose weight or see a difference in scale numbers?
if i gained muscle wouldn't i have gained weight, since muscle weighs more than fat?
You wouldn't necessarily loose weight, if you have lost more fat poundage than you gained in muscle. I personally don't care what the scale says - if my clothes fit good and I have good energy, I don't care what I weigh.
Yes. You have probably lost fat but built muscle. Instead of using scales, try using a measuring tape, and measure your hips, waist, thighs, arms, etc. It will give you a more accurate reading.
Yes! You can do it. With proper exercises,you can change the distribution of excess material and will srart looking more trim and smart.