What Is Your Favorite Thing From Starbucks?!
Answers: I like the double chocolaty chip frappachino! =)
my fave is the double chocolatey chip frap too!!! =)
its soooo good!! :D
nothing starbucks smells like coffee and i hate coffee
skinny vanilla latte :)
I used to have a habit of having a caramel latte every two days (this was about 3 years ago). That was a bad and expensive habit (heavy on calories and the caffeine wasn't healthy either!) Now I only drink herbal tea with honey (1/2 a teaspoon) because I had too much of a sweet-tooth.
Bottled water.
I HATE Starbucks coffee. It's bitter and grossly OVERPRICED. (They make like an absurd profit on each cup. I'd much rather have my $1.39 cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee that doesn't taste burnt than pay $6 for something that makes me want to retch. )
god >< the strawberries and creme frappuccino but r so many calories like 400 ><, so i drink most white chocolate mocha of the lights blended thats like 200, BUT still r too many and dosent have the "special ingredient" at morning i drink my Chateau, that is haitian grain, this whipped cream low fat anddd a bit of amaretto cream :P, its round 100 calories, i use liquid sweeter too :P
nothing tey over price every thing i wodk ed there and they pat rennied iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...