Toast or cereal - or something else....?!
It must be healthy and quick to make/eat.
Mmmmmm Breakfast.......
Answers: What do you think I should eat for breakfast?
It must be healthy and quick to make/eat.
Mmmmmm Breakfast.......
All healthy meals include a whole grain carbohydrate, a lean protein and a fruit or vegetable. So for breakfast I would go with whole wheat toast, low fat cottage cheese and a small apple. Toast is quick, an apple is an apple a quick to grab and you can buy the on the go low fat cottage cheese packs just like yogurt packs (if you prefer yogurt instead you can do that but go with a yogurt that has real fruit and skip the apple).
a nanner!
"Sauteed Ice Cubes..."
instant oatmeal
I combine th two with cinnamon toast crunch!!
Cock and balls! Or rooster meat and eggs!
lol if you can have it. Porridge is a awesome first meal with OJ
Toast is quicker. Pop it in the toaster take it out and go. The cereal needs to be finished at home (I assume you're at home) However, eating milkless cereal is really quick and not much different.
why don't you try a breakfast toaster pastry they even have some that comes with sausage/bacon and eggs they are pretty good. Fast and quick
Sorry babe, but toast isn't healthy unless it's whole grain, and then maybe topped with peanut butter.
Best bet would be for you to beat up some eggs the night before, throw in some ham, or turkey, or diced chicken, peppers and onions (if you like them), some cheese, mushrooms, whatever you like, and refrigerate.Then in the morning heat your skillet with a little cooking spray like Pam, and cook your omelet. It will only take a few minutes.
I love breakfast, but almost everything I want to eat is so high in fat or carbs. Biscuits and gravy, pancakes, french toast... all sooo yummy though!
splet bread, with some sauteed mushrooms, onions bell pepper, a Lil Olive oil, some Dulse flakes(sea veggy) and Lil sprinkle of Cayenne pepper for a nice kick out the door.
to drink: some sea moss/and bladder-wrack mix. it has Cinnamon, blanched almonds(a hand-full), pure Maple syrup(to sweeten), blend for 3-4 minuets and you good to go. you can add some good fruits to it if ya want to. taste like hot chocolate mmm good.
oat meal.. yummy and healthy.. :-)
Cereals and/or toast
the best thing to eat for breakfast is something high in protean eggs are very good to eat for breakfast ! =D
I suggest instant oatmeal since oatmeal is really healthy for you. There are different flavors too, so yeah :)
i like variety in cereal. Also try an omelet.