What is your LEAST favourite fruit?!
Answers: The lemon.
least fav would have to be papaya
raspberrys the wee seeds stick in your teeth
oranges i can't stand acidic things yet i put lemon in my sprite
Kiwi. It has no flavour.
Michael Barrymore.
Emmmm......Passion fruit eww they taste like ear wax!!!not that ive tasted it but really they do!! :)
lemon if it does have water and sugar then i like it
honeydew melon. i like all the rest. you just gotta know when they're ripe and in season and you can appreciate them better.
They're just too bitter for me.
Star fruit.
The Durian fruit. http://www.durianpalace.com/newsmedia/DT...
An orange.
Had these apples from Jamaica - I don't know what they were but I didn't like them. Also don't like kiwi, honeydew or mango, papaya.
tomato :/
pomegranite (is that how it is spelt) tastes horrible anyway.x
gooseberry really horrible!
banana's. it's GROSS!
Limes are my choice
It has to be papaya, can't even stand the smell of it.
grapes......makes my lips itch
Tinned lychees, but I love them fresh. Also not big on satsumas.
TOMATOES (They are a fruit u know!!!)