What do you like to eat when you're at the cinema?!
Answers: I love a huge drink of Coca Cola and a bag of toffee popcorn. I buy it at the supermarket and sneak it in the cinema (my local cinema doesn't let you bring in your own food).
I get a big coke and love to smuggle in $1.50 hot dogs from Sam's or Costco with all of the fixings.
pop corn &coke and one candy bar
Popcorn and a diet coke.
Usually I share a salty popcorn with a friend, and get a bag of pic 'n' mix and/or ice cream, plus a bottle of water or slushie.
Water...and M&M's.
poop and a coke
popcorn ex/butter... twizzlers and of course diet coke lol
nachos, popcorn, or some sort of chocolate (:
?Nachos / French fries with melted and grated cheese