I have access to fresh turkey eggs but how long is their refrigerated shelf life?!
Answers: I'd never keep them for more than 3 weeks myself. That means in the refrigerator. That is just the way I was with all eggs whether it would be turkey, chicken, or duck eggs.
i suggest you eat you eat it now and dont bother refridgerate it
1 and a half months
1.2563245589465966596553226E-3 years... like a week i think.
turkey eggs are yuk!
you should never keep egs in the fridge if you notice the shops will never store them in the fridge the will last about t weeks hope this helps
Have you ever eaten a turkey egg? They
don't taste very good.
Same as chickens' eggs. I am jealous (and jealousy is a sin!) I do not know where you are, but I would love to try a turkey egg! How long to cook them for, I do not know. I understand in UK they are not available because the majority of turkeys are bred for the table, so every egg is incubated to breed birds!