What tastes better: duck or rabbit?!
Answers: - I don't eat duck of rabbit, but I was just wondering. :P
It depends if it is Wabbit Season or Duck season. For me, silly rabbit duck tastes better.
aww poor bunny.
duck! :)
i have never tried either
Who actually does tho?
first of all theres no duck of rabbits
and sencondly i havent tased either
Depends on what you have a taste for.
Duck is very oily, so I prefer rabbit. But I guess in either instance it depends on how it's prepared. I like my rabbit grilled like you would grill chicken.
Both are quite good though.
duck probably tastes like chicken. =D
Never tried. I think duck, don't all birds taste good ? =P
Turkey, Chicken, etc.
DUCK............ all the way!!!!!!!!!
would you prefer something that hops or something that quacks? XDDD
rabbit isn't greasy or too gamy tasting like duck
Duck, you can add sweet and sour sauce on it ummmm...(=
depends how its cooked. if its chinese then duck cant be beat. the british just tend to boil the hell out of it.
I would definetley have to say that duck tastes better than rabbit and let us face it who wants tio eat a rabbit
tried both and they are both quite good.
duck is like a really tender and tasty turkey. its amazing. i haven't had rabbit but i doubt it could compete.
i haven't tried either. i heard everything tastes like chicken anyway, i'm assuming rabbit?
mmmm I love both. yeesh us Americans, of course people eat it! It really depends on how it is cooked, but generally I prefer rabbit. Duck is REALLY hard to cook right.
duck...probably tastes like chicken.
Duck is yummy .... we have it every year at Thanksgiving.
I love bunnies and there is just something about eating a rodent??
Rabbit and it is healthier too! You can use the same techniques as you would for chicken but it is more dense and has a richer flavor and loads less fat.
what kind of person what to eat it