Does chocolate make you live longer?!
how much a day
Answers: which partiular flavour
how much a day
They say the dark chocolate is better for you with more anti oxidants, but remember, everything in moderation. I like milk chocolate myself for the smoother flavor. I've lived over 50 yrs, and have eaten it since I was about 3 or 4 yrs old. I'm not planning on going anywhere just yet, so while the good Lord sees fit that I remain here, I'll keep on keepin' on, eating my milk chocolate!
If it does I should live forever.
I dont believe so
They say it does, because of the flavenoids it contains. They also say all you need is a couple of very small squares a day. But I find it almost impossible to eat 2 small squares when one has a whole block. Wouldn't you too?
idk but laughing is supposed to
I could care less....I'll still be eating it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes.If it has flavol.(An antioxidant I believe.)
Hershey has some bars with flavol but you need to search.It's not on every bar.
About an ounce a day and make it dark
DUH!! MMmm!! Chocolate
Dark chocolate is better for you. Chocolate contains antioxidants, but milk chocolate and other sweetened chocolates have enough sugar to largely cancel the benefit.
But even if Chocolate doesn't make you live longer, it makes life worth living.
i wish. i think it just makes u fat.