If vegatable oil is made from vegetables and corn oil from corn, what is baby oil made from?!
Answers: contrary to popular belief, NOT from babies. it's made from the excrement of the rare blue humpback whale which has to be collected without getting wet from surrounding salt water. the excrement is then concentrated and extracted so the oil is released by natural chemical processes. one bowel movement from the blue whale equates to one four ounce bottle of "baby" oil. just be glad that the oil isn't pricier!
Babies piss! :D
J/p I hav no idea..
Wow. How original. Like this has NEVER been asked on here.
Oh, only a few THOUSAND times.
Babies duh!! LOL no it's just mineral oil
Are you insinuating that Baby Oil is made out of babies?! Baby Oil is made with Mineral oil to form a silky barrier to prevent excess moisture loss.