How long are eggs good after their expiration?!
Answers: A friend of mine said six months but that sounds a little long to me. Anybody know?
There's a super easy way to test them. Dissolve a bit of salt in a bowl of cold water (approx 4 t. of salt in 2 cups of water). Test one egg at a time by just setting it in the water. If it floats it's bad. If it sinks to the bottom it's good. If it's around the middle, it's not extremely fresh, but edible.
Also, the dates on the carton are the "sell by" date, not "use by".
my eggs expired in Feb....... They are currently fine so at least a month or two
they are good way after the experation date. Normally, the date on the carten says sell by, not experation. Well, at least it says that on mine. Also, eggs are not sent out to groceries until about two-three weeks after they have been laid.
Six months! No way, unless it was in freeze storage.Anyway, the best sure way to check is to crack one . The white and yolk will be very runny if it is not fresh but it is still edible as long as it does not look or smell bad.