What makes an Apple an Apple? (FRUIT)?!
I mean what are some reasons as to why it is such a good fruit.
The most good reasons with best detail will get the best answer.
Answers: What makes an apple so good.
I mean what are some reasons as to why it is such a good fruit.
The most good reasons with best detail will get the best answer.
* They’re tasty and good for you.
* They don’t leave a slippery peel behind--like bananas do.
* It takes a long time for apples to go bad, so they’re perfect for lunches, long hikes, or the bus ride home from school.
* Unlike oranges, apples don’t make your fingers stink.
* Apples won’t make you fat.
* They’re way cheaper than caviar.
* They look cool.
* You can make a zillion other foods out of apples, like apple pie, apple sauce, candy apples, apple juice, and—ummmm--fried apples.