Can i have some arguments for against the banning of junk food in schools?!
Answers: I am doing a debate in school and have been given an argument which is harder to work with, the other team is doing ' for the banning of junk food in schools' which would be actually easier to win. However are there any good points i can make AGAINST the banning of junk food in schools? Thanx
it doesnt prevent students eating junk food in school. banning the junk food IN schools will only make student bring in more junk food. better things that should consider a change besides something simple as junk food when there are people failing, people being suspended and people just constantly disobeying rules. in some cases it may encourage students to sell junk food within school grounds because of the demand for junk food which can lead to suspension or detention. The food in schools isn't necessarily healthier than the simple junk foods found in vending machines. a lot of the food are processed through different chemicals for preservation. (look up some chemials that is harmful to the body) Also, deprivatoin of junk foods in schools will only cause students to over indulge in junk foods. if a school is worried about junk food in vending machines, why not replace them with healthier snacks and drinks? The school is actually gaining profit with the use of vending machines that could possibly be donated towards different aspects of the school such as programs, classrooms and/or a guest speaker.
well i hope that helps :)
always have evidence to support your details!!
Freedom to choose what to consume. Plus some guy who runs them vending machine feeds his family with the money he makes from them.
uhm, no.
kids are getting to fat anyways.
why dont they put slimfast in vindie machines?
it tastes nice
Fraid I cant think of any right now
Not really, people will eat w/e they want to eat. i dont see any point of banning junk foods in school
you need to phrase it better, arguments for, or against
ummm its the childs and their parents choice whether they have junk food or not. just have schools educate about the health risks and then people can make up their own minds
Children in our schools should be given the freedom to make their own choices. They are in school to be socialized and part of socialization is to learn how to make your own personal decisions. Schools can offset the cost of education by using a fund raising system of selling food to children.
If the school sells it in vending machines then they will make money.
It serves as a comfort food. Some people need it.
Fizzy drinks like Red Bull and Relentless provide sleepy students with energy...
1) Junk food is a lot less expensive than healthy food.
2) Students should be able to make the choice whether to eat healthy food.
3) Every family is different, and some don't have a problem with their children eating junk food.
4) Each person is different and junk food will affect them (or not affect them) in different ways.
5) Who determines what constitutes "junk food", and do they have any financial interest in the determination?
Kids get to make a choice. Its their responsibility to choose what's best for them by this age. You can't hold the hand of a kid for every they got to learn what is right and wrong for them and what works best for them.
Natural selection. If people want to dig their graves with their own teeth, they should be allowed to. Just think of all the $ that will be saved on their health care when they're older?
mmm... i hope youre just doing this for school.. not on personal opinion.
you could say sugar makes kids hyper so they dont pay attention.
or mayybbbeeee... if kids knowwww that there are junk food.. or even food at school.. they wont eat at home, and they will focus on 'hey, i can just eat at school'.
hope it helps.
If children don't have the opportunity to choose between healthy and junk foods, how are they going to survive in the world with so much temptation?
Sugar gives the students more energy.
Junk food is comfort food.
Its convenient.
I was asking that question from Washington state governer and she gave me good point why we dont have good food. the reason number one is money #2 no body to step up and been good leader to fight the way out.
youshould not make any arguments against banning of junkfood in the shcool
- Healthy Weighted individuals shouldn't suffer the ban because some people couldn't maintain a healthy weight.
- In High-school, teenagers are well-aware of all the unhealthy sugars junkfood contains. It should be our choice whether we want to eat it or not. We are aware of the consequences, damn it!
- Since the school knows it's a popular choice, they could over-price it and make a profit. This money could be used to fund different school courses.
- Fizzy drinks or sugary foods can provide energy for children who feel a need to sleep.
Just because junk food is banned at your school doesn't mean that the people there will stop eating it, so is there really a point in banning it at all?
Most kids will not eat the school food they substitute for the junk food and go home and pig out and end up eating more cause they are so hungry
Parents place to monitor food
kids wont eat the school food therefore cant concentrate on school work
Wont let kids be kids, its not the food as much as lack of exercise
Why do the teachers bring their junk food lunch to school
or leave for lunch
Pizza is good for you, has meat bread and vegetables
Chips are seasoned potatoes
its almost impossible to argue with the school tho!!
can cause a eating disorder, stresses the kids, makes overweight kids feel bad about themselves and commit suicide. If they make such a big issue out of this it really can bother a overweight kid and other kids may pick and blame the overweight kids, skinny kids feel its unfair
Im grasping for straws here!!!
Think of how it really affects you and makes you feel, talk with other students and get there responce on the subject. Find out just how fatty the junk food is compared to what they cook that they say isnt as fatty. Find healthy junk foods
Fried food are not good for you, does the school fry food? Think of things that would make the school be out more money to make the healthy food, they hate spending money. I agree there needs to be healthy foods but they should allow some form of snacks, since when can't a kid eat a bag of chips and a soda that is going a little overboard.
Kids need to learn healthy eating habits while they're still young. Part of this comes from eating healthy foods, so they acquire a taste for vegetables and such, but a larger part is about developing independence and self-control.
It's a fact of life that many of the foods available today are horrible for you. Students need to learn to moderate their calorie intake for themselves. Relying on their environment to do this for them will only work as long as they are *in* said environment. As soon as they make their ways into the fast-food-filled "real world", they'll be like a kid in a candy shop--eager to test their new-found dietary independence, but lacking all of the skills necessary to create a healthy diet. Just google "freshman 15" for about 384,000 examples of this.
Have fun debating ;-)
Students need to be given the choice of what to eat. If you force healthy food on them it's not going to change eating habits, but it is going to decrease vending machine sales. I know at a school I went to they took out all the junk food and sodas but that didn't change anything. A school can't actually ban junk food, it can ban the sale of it, but if it's not an illegal substance it's very much allowed on school property. And if kids can't get their junk food sugar high on school property, they'll get it from the stores and bring it to school. And the crafty people will sell it.