Does putting food down the garbage disposal make it harder to treat the water?!
Answers: I sometimes put food down the garbage disposal. I was wondering if this is a practice I should cut down on in order to help the water supply become cleaner easier. Please answer if you know what you're talking about and sources would be great. Thanks!
Garbage disposals are a waste water treatment plants nightmare. I used to work for my city and our civil engineer hated garbage disposals. Your flushing a great deal more solid waste into the waste water system. I honestly can't remember the science behind it, its been too long ago but I do remember its not good.
Also if your on a septic system and you use your disposal you fill up your tank with solids alot faster and if they leak into your drain field and can clog your lines.
yes so plz don't use a garbage disposal
Any matter (even organic) makes the filtering process work harder. A better solution for food scraps (non meat) would be to compost. Better for your garden and better for the water supply