Why is it when you buy microwave popcorn it always tells you to not push the popcorn button?!
Answers: it seems like the times are good for the button
I never knew that..I always push the popcorn button and my popcorn turns out great.
it's a conspiracy
i never actually noticed that. i wonder if there's a reason...
I know! It annoys me so much! I wanna push the popcorn button! If I don't push it for popcorn, what can I push it for?
Basically it is because enough dumb***es out there have pushed the button and not watched the popcorn in the microwave and due to it not either fully cooking or too easily burning, they complained to the popcorn makers, not the microwave makers. I use my button all the time, but I watch it and listen for the kernals, after they haven't popped for at least 3 seconds, I finally take them out.
If it works for you, go for it. THe popcorn police will not come for you. (smiling)
Do what you wanna do. There's no law saying that you can't push the popcorn button, right?
bcuz it can either overcook it or not cook it enough.
when i push the popcorn button it nvr cooks it enough and only half of the kernels pop.
so my dad told me wen i do use the button, to push it twice.